Butterfield Lake Estates
water heater experts can install, repair or replace any type of residential, commercial
or industrial water heater. This includes all energy sources such as electrical,
natural gas, propane, solar and tankless (on-demand) appliances.
For over 20 years our licensed and bonded plumbing professionals have been helping
to keep our valued customers in hot water (literally)! We fully understand water
heaters and distribution systems and can promptly diagnose and resolve any issues
you may be experiencing. All of our work is guaranteed and performed to plumbing
codes for your safety and peace of mind.
We also realize that a lack of hot water or a leaking tank can be very disruptive
which is why we offer round the clock emergency service for professional
when you need it most.
What brand of water heaters do we use?
There are many brands available, but did you know that there are only a handful
of manufacturers? They typically sell the same heater to various retailers and brands
and simply customize the outer jacket and labeling to accommodate. However, there
is a brand that only sells to “those in the know” in the plumbing industry
and it’s the best of the best. To meet our exacting, high-quality standards
we offer our customers Bradford White water heaters.
Bradford White heaters are of the highest quality, the most energy efficient and
are manufactured right here in America. Their product line includes a model for
every size and demand, including gas, electric, oil, solar and indirect-powered
units. Simply put, they are built to last!
Water heater basics
Standard, tank-type water heaters come in a variety of shapes, sizes, gallon capacities,
recovery rates and energy efficiency ratings. It’s important to install the
correct model, sized appropriately to meet the needs of the house or building. This
is determined by the number of fixtures served and expected occupancy and demands.
The average heater size for a house is 40-50 gallons. To save energy you shouldn’t
over-size your heater because they are designed to not only heat and store the water,
but to thermostatically keep it hot, similar to the heating system in your home.
Therefore, you could be spending money to heat extra water that’s never used.
And of course, under-sizing can have the reverse affect. Our
can quickly evaluate your needs and install just the right unit to meet them.
Water heaters are one of the highest energy consumers in your home. Therefore it’s
important to maintain the temperature setting as low as you can comfortably get
by with. A recommended setting would be 125 degrees Fahrenheit. Please note that
if your heater is electric, this is best done by a professional to avoid the risk
of electrocution.
In addition to being energy considerate by lowering the temperature, you are also
being mindful of any children or elderly members of the household since this also
reduces the risk of scalding.
Energy efficiency
An older model water heater will not be as energy efficient as a new one due to
the increased insulation and enhanced production materials and techniques. You might
save a little energy with an older model by wrapping it with a water heater blanket
to help reduce heat loss. It would also help to be sure the temperature setting
is adjusted lower as discussed above.
Finally, if your current heater is older than 8-12 years, consider replacing it
with one of our highly efficient Bradford White models. Not only could this help
reduce your energy bill, but it could also save you an emergency situation when
your old appliance begins to leak, especially if located within the home. Your fee
estimate is just a
phone call
Should I repair or replace?
For a leaking water heater:
As millions of people have experienced, a leaking water heater can be dangerous
and destructive. If the tank itself is leaking, it cannot be repaired - only replaced.
Following are some tips for when this happens...
Damage control: turn off the water that supplies your water heater. There should
be a shut-off valve located nearby, typically just above it. Next, turn off the
power supply to allow it to begin cooling off. Then open a nearby hot water faucet
to relieve the water pressure. This will also assure that the cut-off valve is holding
If you have single-handled faucets in your home, such as the Moen brand, keep them
positioned to the cold side rather than in the middle. This will help to avoid any
flowing through of water from the cold side into the hot side which could bleed
back into the water heater tank.
By performing these basic steps your water heater leak should be under control,
or at least slowed down considerably until the plumber arrives. If located indoors
protect the rest of your home with mops and towels.
Now for the final and most important step - call in the professionals at
Butterfield Lake Estates!
We’ll have you back in business in no time...
For a lack of hot water:
Fortunately, malfunctioning water heaters can be repaired promptly and economically
by a professional.
Butterfield Lake Estates
services all brands and can diagnose and rectify any issues you may be
experiencing. Our experts will suggest the best course of action to take.
Prior to attempting a repair you may wish to consider the age and
condition of your heater, especially if located inside your home or on
a second floor or in an attic. This could be a potentially threatening situation,
in which case a replacement water heater may be a wiser alternative.
Water heater location
As just mentioned, if a heater is inside your home, it could be a potential threat
when it starts to leak. Here are a couple of tips and things to look out for...
Your water heater is one appliance that’s rarely thought of. After all, you
don’t actually “use” it per se’, since its function is simply
to automatically supply your family with hot water. That is until there’s
a malfunction or leak.
Don’t ignore an older model located inside your home. Fortunately, “most”
tanks do not suddenly burst and flood the home: there are typically some tell-tale
signs. The more obvious would be dampness or moisture around the bottom of the tank
or even some rusting.
Take an occasional look. If signs are present don’t wait - call us right away!
One of our water heater
will arrive promptly and install a brand new, top of the line Bradford
White water heater, thereby heading off any problems before they occur. Remember,
water heaters are a major appliance, must be handled by a trained professional and
plumbing codes should be followed for your protection.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy of your water heater cannot be precisely predicted, but there
are a few things to consider...
A larger family will have a higher demand for hot water than a smaller one, effectively
adding to the “mileage.” Also, a tank with a higher temperature setting
may not last quite as long as one with a lower setting.
What brand of water heater do you have? As mentioned earlier, different manufactures
can affect quality. One example would be a cheaper model with a thinner-walled tank
whereas a higher-grade model will have a thicker-walled tank. Obviously, the thicker
tank will take longer to corrode through and give you more years of service.
Another consideration is the quality of water supplied to your home. Water can originate
from a variety of sources and some can be more corrosive than others. A rule of
thumb for the “average” water heater would be a life expectancy of 8-12
years. If yours is getting up there, keep a close eye on it, especially if it’s
located inside the home! If in doubt,
give us a call.
Since we know the local areas, are familiar with the various brands and have been
dealing with water heaters for over 20 years, we can offer expert advice and answer
any questions you may have.
Tankless water heaters
So far we’ve discussed the standard, tank-type water heaters. However, we’d
be remiss if we didn’t cover tankless, or on-demand water heaters since they
have become more “in-demand” in recent years.
A tankless heater is just that. Rather than storing hot water in a tank and keeping
it hot at all times, tankless heaters only heat the water as it passes through.
Likewise, it only uses power and energy when there’s a demand. This is controlled
by a flow-switch which activates the water-heating system every time water is drawn
from a hot water tap somewhere in the home or building.
Naturally this saves considerable energy because if no hot water is being used,
none is being heated. Depending on the situation this can amount to between 30-60%
energy savings on your water heating costs.
Tankless heaters are sized differently as well and use a gallon-per-minute (GPM)
rating instead of the gallons capacity of a tank type heater. Accordingly, they
are much more compact, generally about the size of a briefcase or small suitcase.
They can be mounted on a wall in a closet for example to save space and be more
centrally located for faster hot water delivery.
Smaller units can be used to promptly supply a particular bathroom or fixture, or
just one large one, centrally located to accommodate the whole house. A nice benefit
is that they aren’t as likely to flood a home if they leak. This makes them
a little safer to have within a dwelling than a tank-type appliance. Additionally,
they last about twice as long as conventional heaters, up to 20-25 years.
So why doesn’t everybody use them?
Because of the initial cost, since they are considerably more expensive than a tank-type
heater. This is particularly true in a home where a “change out” is
involved. This is due to the extra plumbing work involved and additional power requirements
to accommodate a completely different type of water heating system.
However, this is not the case when replacing an existing unit or performing a brand
new install such as with new construction, making it much more feasible and cost
All things considered, it can take a few years to recoup the initial investment
in energy savings. However, this could be sped up a bit if you look into the following...
- Would your tankless heater qualify for a tax credit? This can change annually so
you should check with your accountant and ask if it would and at what amount.
- Are there any incentives available from your local utility company? Give them a
quick call to find out or go to their website.
- Should you decide to sell, how much would this system enhance your home’s
value and salability? Ask your local Realtor what a typical ROI might be in your
area for such a system.
- Just how much would such an installation cost to begin with and would it indeed
be feasible considering your home’s age and layout?
the local experts today for a free evaluation and estimate!
Your home should also be up to date on the plumbing codes with fairly modern, water
saving, flow-restricting devices such as appropriate shower heads and faucet aerators.
In other words, it makes it easier for a tankless water heater to function appropriately
if water is not flowing through faster than it can handle it. Always consult with
an experienced professional such as
Butterfield Lake Estates
before attempting such a project to make certain that it is feasible, sized and
installed correctly.
Plumbing codes
Finally, whenever dealing with a water heater replacement, make sure that you are
dealing with a professional who adheres to the plumbing codes. This may require
the pulling of a permit and inspection but it’s all for your personal safety
and well being. Depending on the local codes, some considerations might include
the following...
- Earthquake strapping.
- Pressure and temperature relief valve properly installed and piped to the outside.
- Expansion tanks for “closed” water systems, typically with backflow
- Appropriate water collection pans and drains if inside the home or building.
- Proper venting for gas appliances.
- Accurate sizing to accommodate the structure and occupants.
- Appropriate heater stand for certain situations.
- Proper piping materials, sizing and workmanship.
We hope this guide has been a benefit to you. For any lingering questions, estimates
or service, please
us: we would be happy to serve you!
Zip Codes for
Butterfield Lake Estates,